I spent most of the late afternoon continuing to organize and move in to the RV. Everything is pretty well in its place and I still have some extra room for more stuff! Not that I want or need any more stuff. 🙂 I sorted through my tools yesterday as well, looking around at what I think I ‘might’ need I think I’m covered there for the most part.
It was so nice yesterday, near 70 degrees and sunny. I had all the windows open. In the evening I closed everything down and before I went to bed for the night I stepped outside to take a look at the stars. I was greeted by my invisible neighbors (coyotes) with a chorus of howling. 🙂 It was pretty cool. I tried to record as much of it as I could but wasn’t quick enough with my phone to capture it all. I figured they’re getting tired of seeing me parked in ‘their woods’ and decided to politely tell me to move on. 🙂 Enjoy!