Lessons and rewards

Yesterday was a pretty good driving day. I made it a little west of Oklahoma City. In going through OKC I discovered the reason for a lock on the refrigerator door. There are a couple of curves in the road that require drivers to slow down to around 50 mph while driving through the city, a couple of them are marked, a couple are not.

I was making a curve to the right at about 50-60mph and found that it got much sharper as I progressed into the curve. Normally I would enjoy this as I would be in a car or a pick up and consider it a challenge to hold the vehicle in the turn – yesterday I found this to be less enjoyable and a ‘different’ kind of challenge. As I got into the sharpest portion of the curve my refrigerator door flung open because a gallon of water I was keeping in there slid fast enough to find its way out and onto the floor. That liberated the rest of the fridge prisoners and they promptly made their escape onto the floor. Blueberries made a valiant effort in their escape, followed by a box of mushrooms and a second gallon of water, the apple juice  brought up the rear. I’m fortunate it wasn’t a bigger mess than it was. I took a little video(Escape from the fridge) and learned a lesson about how to manage my supplies. 🙂

Escape from the fridge

I kept driving through the city until I got to a point where I could stop without having to deal with too much traffic and a place that was out of the way for the morning rush hour. When I got stopped, I got the mess all cleaned up then decided to make a nice meal for myself and relax a bit. Bacon wrapped chicken breast with a mix of broccoli, cauliflower, onion, garlic and some mushrooms ( chose the mushrooms as punishment to them for trying to escape 🙂 )

veggie prepmeal completeOverall it was a good day. I slept good over night and am ready for the day today.